Ridgewood Camera Club

Ridgewood Camera Club Slide Shows

All Images in the slide shows are copyrighted by the member.  If you desire to use any of these images for any purpose please contact  webhelp@ridgewoodcameraclub.net

International Exhibitions

RCC 2008 - 25th International Exhibition

RCC 2009 - 26th International Exhibition

RCC 2010 - 27th International Exhibition

RCC 2011 - 28th International Exhibition

RCC 2012 -29th International Exhibition

RCC 2013 - 30th International Exhibition

RCC 2014 - 31st International Exhibition

RCC 2015 - 32nd International Exhibition

RCC 2016 - 33rd International Exhibition

RCC 2017 - 34th International Exhibition

RCC 2018 - 35th International Exhibition

RCC 2019 - 36th International Exhibition

RCC 2020 - 37th International Exhibition

RCC 2021 - 38th International Exhibition

RCC Annual Shows

Best of RCC 2007-2008

Best of RCC 2008-2009

Best of RCC 3009-2010

Best of RCC 2010-2011

Best of RCC 2011-2012

Best of RCC 2012-2013

Best of RCC 2013-2014

Best of RCC 2014-2015

Best of RCC 2015-2016

Best of RCC 2016-2017

Best of RCC 2017-2018

Best of RCC 2018-2019

Best of RCC 2019-2020

Best of RCC 2020-2021

Best of RCC 2021-2022

Best of RCC 2022-2023

Year End 2023 Competition Intro  

Year End 2023 Competition

Best of RCC 2023-2024

General Shows

Abbey Diptychs - Jacek Kowalski

Dieter Memorial

RCC Field Trips 2010-2011

Iceland - Vinnie Kempf

Iceland 1 - Elliot Owens

Iceland 2 - Elliot Owens

Nancy Lamb Memorial

National Parks Centennial Celebration 2016

Oregon, Washington and Canadian Northwest

RCC 75th Anniversary Show

RCC Members in Action

Sardinia - Vinnie Kempf

Greenwich Village Haloween Parade - John St. John

Scenes from the City - John St. John

Stan Kantor Tribute

Subway in the City - John St. John

Vinnie on the John